
Articles Tagged: Still Life

Lunar New Year

28.1.2025 | Tags: Food, Still Life, Noemi Scavo

New Signing

22.1.2025 | Tags: Lifestyle, Still Life, Food, Drink

Peroni Snow Angels

16.12.2024 | Tags: Advert, Still Life, Drink

It must be Xmas!


1.10.2024 | Tags: Jessica Griffiths, Drink, Still Life

McDonald's Drips and Spritz

18.6.2024 | Tags: Chelsea Bloxsome, Still Life, Food, Drink

Two Cannes Lions Shortlists 2024 and two golds and two silvers at Creative Circle & a Pencil at D&AD!  Beautiful spritz and drips for McDonalds by Chelsea Bloxsome 

Peroni X Ferrari F1

6.2.2024 | Tags: Still Life, studio, Jessica Griffiths, promotional


3.1.2024 | Tags: Still Life, studio, Jessica Griffiths

LU Biscuits

20.7.2023 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, studio, Still Life, Advert


10.7.2023 | Tags: Jessica Griffiths, studio, Still Life


7.3.2023 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, Still Life, moving image

Motion by Ilka and Franz for Google. 

The Heist

6.3.2023 | Tags: Jessica Griffiths, Food, Still Life, Model,

"Be careful not to get caught in the heist"

Photographed by Jessica Griffiths. 


With the help of her team... 

MUA - Poppy Franze / Set design - Harry Scott / Florals - Gemma Therese Pearce / Food Stying - Dominique Eloise. 

Campo Pasion

20.2.2023 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, Still Life, People, Advert


14.2.2023 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, studio, Still Life, Advert, People

The Love Insurance...

Spreading the love this Valentines with Ilka and Franz's newest campaign for Toblerone. 


14.2.2023 | Tags: covid, People, Product,, beauty, Still Life

New work by our incredible latest addition to Horton-Stephens, Jessica Griffiths with help from MUA Poppy France. 

It's a Wrap on the new Lookbook

16.1.2023 | Tags: Chelsea Bloxsome, Food, Still Life, studio


If we aren't eating food, we're thinking about it here at Horton-Stephens! Our newest Lookbook shows all things edible, shot by a selection of our photographers. One of these being Chelsea Bloxsome, who's recently shot for McDonald's, take a peek here! 

Eat, drink and be merry

15.12.2022 | Tags: Chelsea Bloxsome, Food, Drink, Still Life, studio

Shots for Pizza Express's Christmas campaign by Chelsea Bloxsome. 


13.12.2022 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, studio, Still Life, Food, Drink

Leftovers will never be the same again...

2.12.2022 | Tags: Food, Drink, Still Life

Only 22 shopping days ‘til Xmas. If you’re working up an appetite for the big day, this might help. New work from Karen Thomas, Yum!

Bertinet Bakery

29.11.2022 | Tags: Jessica Griffiths, Food, Still Life

This is bread...made better. 

Shots by our newest member Jessica Griffiths for The Bertinet Bakery. 

The Observer Magazine

24.11.2022 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, Still Life, Food, studio

Beat the Gloom! Shot by Ilka & Franz for The Observer Magazine.

Talent: Santana @ Premier Models
Hair & Make-Up: Shani Mushington
Styling: Hope Lawrie

The Finch Bakery

3.11.2022 | Tags: Jessica Griffiths, Still Life, Food

Sweet Homemade Treats and Showstopper Celebration Cakes...

Shots by Jessica Griffiths for the Finch Bakery book. 


28.10.2022 | Tags: Jessica Griffiths, Still Life, Product,, beauty

The Elegant YSL Lipstick shot by our newest resident, Jessica Griffiths. 


McCafé Iced

25.10.2022 | Tags: Chelsea Bloxsome, Drink, Still Life, Food, gif

We're lovin' it... 




20.10.2022 | Tags: Still Life, Cars

Funding Circle

12.10.2022 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, Still Life

Calls from the Beyond

28.9.2022 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, Still Life, fashion, People, Personal

"When You Get There, You Will Already Be There"...


New series "Calls from the Beyond" by Ilka & Franz. 

Introducing Jessica Griffiths

1.8.2022 | Tags: Still Life, Drink, studio, Food, Jessica Griffiths, flowers

It's always a thrill to propel a new photographer towards an unsuspecting world and for us, no greater pleasure than seeing that talent blossom. We think Jessica Griffiths is going to be bloomin' marvellous, arriving as she does, with a lovely gallery of images and a hunger to shoot more! Have a look... here.

Ilka and Franz' Summer Drinks

7.7.2022 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, set-build, Still Life, Drink


21.6.2022 | Tags: Still Life

New work for Wired from WIlson Hennessy

Water Pistols

14.6.2022 | Tags: Still Life, studio

In an attempt to keep cool in the studio, Wilson Hennessy has been shooting this new personal series.

Dog Poo for The Observer

14.6.2022 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, Still Life

You could say this was one of Ilka & Franz's 'sh***ier' commissions!

Gillette Labs

28.2.2022 | Tags: Still Life, Portrait

Wilson Hennessy shoots for Gilette Labs and their new exfoliating razor. 

Knolling Soups

2.12.2021 | Tags: Chelsea Bloxsome, Food, Still Life

Chelsea Bloxomse is quite meticulous when it comes to her soup prep. Here's a lovely new graphic series entitled Knolling Soups, with depictions of Gazpacho, Minestrone and Pumpkin soup. 


2.12.2021 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, Still Life

New work from Ilka & Franz. Shot to illustrate an article entitled 'Everyone’s gagging for it’ – how Britain got high on nitrous oxide' for the Guardian Magazine. 

Ford Tourneo

11.11.2021 | Tags: Cars, Still Life

A lovely new series for Ford.

Chelsea Bloxsome - Growing Underground

19.7.2021 | Tags: Chelsea Bloxsome, Food, Still Life

New work from Chelsea Bloxsome for Growing Underground, a company at the forefront of agriculture and herb cultivation. These micro bouquets were no bigger than a hand in size!

Wilson Hennessy - BT 'Connected Experiences'

3.2.2021 | Tags: stop frame, Still Life

Wilson Hennessy was commissioned by Wunderman Thompson to collaborate with @perceptual_art on this recent BT campaign.

Wilson Hennessy - Samsung

26.10.2020 | Tags: Still Life

Appliances never looked so good! New work from Wilson Hennessy for Samsung.

Behind The Scenes - Stoptober

2.10.2020 | Tags: behind the scenes, Charity, Still Life, tv

Having to capture TV, Digital and Print executions for Stoptober with Wilson Hennessy came with some hefty technical challenges - oven baking a floral display was just one of them! Here's some behind the scenes from the shoot day. See the results here and here

Ilka & Franz - Prix de la Photographie winners

29.9.2020 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, Still Life, Food

Ilka and Franz have won Gold in the Fine Art / Still Life category in the Prix de la Photographie (PX3) award for their 'British Food Misunderstood' series. 

Chelsea Bloxsome - Deconstructions

23.9.2020 | Tags: Chelsea Bloxsome, Still Life, Food

A new series of culinary deconstructions from Chelsea Bloxsome.

Ilka & Franz - Ikea

6.12.2019 | Tags: Still Life, Ilka and Franz

Ilka & Franz were in flatpack heaven last month shooting for our favourite Swedish furnishings company (Ikea) with Mother.

Ilka & Franz - Misunderstood Food

15.10.2019 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, Still Life, Food

Ilka and Franz reinvent six of the most confusing British dishes in their new series Misunderstood Food.

Wilson Hennessy - Specsavers

8.10.2019 | Tags: Still Life

Wilson Hennessy shoots a new campaign for Specsavers design collective. 

Wilson Hennessy - Tiki cups

30.4.2019 | Tags: Still Life

Three heads are better than one! New still-life work from Wilson Hennessy

Jason Knott - Allianz

17.4.2019 | Tags: Still Life, on location

Another new shoot by Jason Knott for Allianz and another great collaboration with Constantine, Daniel and Nadine at SiR MaRY.


Wilson Hennessy - Rubber Bands

19.3.2019 | Tags: Still Life

Wilson Hennessy is as comfortable shooting the latest sports cars as he is shooting still life. This one's a personal series by Wil...

We thought we had a good rubber band pun but, on second thoughts, it was a bit of a stretch.

Ilka & Franz - Guardian Weekend Cover

14.1.2019 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, Still Life, children

lka & Franz were commissioned in November to shoot a vegan baby for the cover of Guardian Weekend magazine!

Phil Sills - Water series

10.1.2019 | Tags: Still Life

Hitting the ground running in 2019, Phil Sills tests the water with these new test shots.

Phil Sills - Bowers and Wilkins

29.11.2018 | Tags: Still Life, Technology

Phil Sills, our tech photographer, is Bowers and Wilkins photographer of choice! Here's Phil's latest for the leading sound company.

George Logan - HSBC

19.11.2018 | Tags: George Logan, Still Life

George Logans new Thriving Hexagons' campaign for HSBC is out, and looks great! Geroge's gallery has been updated with all his new shoots.

Phil Sills - Guinness

19.10.2018 | Tags: Drink, Still Life

Phil Sills is our boy from the black stuff. At only 125 calories per pint, why stop at just one? 

Chelsea Bloxsome - New Innocent

25.6.2018 | Tags: Chelsea Bloxsome, Still Life, Drink, Food

Chelsea loves shooting for Innocent...and we love these new shots 

HSBC - Wilson Hennessy

7.6.2018 | Tags: Still Life

Wilson Hennessy just shot this brand new campaign for HSBC to promote their recently launched connected money app. You'll see the work up on print and digital poster sites around town now! And a big thanks to a great team at the agency - David, Alex and Hugo.

Wilson Hennessy - Twinings

19.4.2018 | Tags: Still Life

Wil Hennessy just shot this set of colourful ads for Twinings.

Ilka & Franz - OneEyeland Awards - SILVER!

16.2.2018 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, Still Life, awards

Ilka & Franz have one silver in the 2017 OneEyeland Awards with their work for Wembley Park!

Ilka & Franz - Spiegel Wissen magazine

20.12.2017 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, Still Life

New from Ilka & Franz shot for Spiegel Wissen magazine, shot around the theme of germs & viruses.

Wilson Hennessy - Highways England

8.11.2017 | Tags: Still Life

Wilson Hennessy shot this thought-provoking campaign to educate young motorcyclists on the appropriate attire for riding a motorbike.

Wilson Hennessy - Trick or Treat

31.10.2017 | Tags: Still Life

Happy Halloween! Wilson Hennessy shot this series after he was inspired by Halloween trick or treaters appearing through the distorted glass at the front door.

Ilka & Franz - Wembley Park

17.10.2017 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, Still Life

More commissioned work by Ilka & Franz for Wembley Park. Thanks again to Shane, Will, Katie and all the team at the agency.

New work from Wilson Hennessy

7.8.2017 | Tags: Still Life

Going on your holidays? Don't forget your trunks. New work from Wilson Hennessy... Just in time for summer!

Chelsea Bloxsome - Innocent Super Juice

31.7.2017 | Tags: Chelsea Bloxsome, Drink, Still Life

More new work by Chelsea Bloxsome for Innocent Super Juice.

Welcome Ilka and Franz!

11.7.2017 | Tags: Still Life, Portrait, Ilka and Franz

Award-winning photographer duo Ilka and Franz are such a breath of fresh air. We are delighted to say they're now represented... by us! They're bright, colourful and fun. If only we could say the same about ourselves.

Karen Thomas - Mother's Day with M&S

31.3.2017 | Tags: Still Life

Karen Thomas shoots beautiful bouquets for Marks and Spencer in the run up to Mother's day.

Take a look at Karen's work here.

Eugenio Franchi - Tia Maria Amsterdam

23.3.2017 | Tags: Still Life

'Coffee Lovers Unite'! A very detailed image taken by our Eugenio Franchi for the Amsterdam Tia Maria campaign. 

Take a look at Eugenios work here.

Happy Valentines Day from Wilson Hennessy

14.2.2017 | Tags: Still Life

Wilson Hennessy would like to wish you all a happy Valentines day with this new heart animation. 

Neon from Additive CGI

29.11.2016 | Tags: Additive, CGI, Still Life

Bam! Sock! Kapow! The boys at Additive CGI have been busy creating this new personal series of neon signs. 

Wilson Hennessy - Clarks x GQ

16.11.2016 | Tags: Still Life, set-build

Some new still-life from Wilson Hennessy. This one for a Clarks / GQ advertorial.

Tia Maria - Eugenio Franchi

14.11.2016 | Tags: Still Life, Drink

Eugenio Franchi has just shot this new ad for Tia Maria as part of their 'Coffee Lovers Unite' campaign. The shot was launched alongside the drink at London's cocktail week earlier in the month.

Wilson Hennessy - Grey Matter

29.7.2016 | Tags: Still Life, Lifestyle

Wilson Hennesy has shot for Calibre magazine.

Spotted - Marco Mori's Moretti on Brick Lane

20.7.2016 | Tags: Marco Mori, landscape, Still Life, observational, Drink

If you go down to Brick Lane today you'll see Marco Mori's fantastic new poster for Birra Moretti

Aston Martin Red Bull F1 Collaboration

15.7.2016 | Tags: Cars, Still Life

Wilson Hennessy photographs the new Aston Martin Red Bull F1 Collaboration.

Vodafone - Marco Mori & Chelsea Bloxsome

8.6.2016 | Tags: Marco Mori, Chelsea Bloxsome, Food, Still Life

Marco Mori and Chelsea Bloxsome have just joined forces on this new campaign for Vodafone. 

Wilson Hennessy - Who's at your door?

8.6.2016 | Tags: Portrait, Still Life

Wilson Hessessy has just created this new series of children's masks, inspired by Halloween trick or treaters appearing through the distorted glass at the front door.

See more experimental and graphic stil-life over in Wil's gallery - here.

New Drinks from Eugenio Franchi

31.5.2016 | Tags: Drink, Still Life

Eugenio Franchi ushers us into summer with some drinks shots.

Lots more refreshing drinks over in Eugenio's gallery - here.

Richard Maxted - Anthology of Flowers

12.5.2016 | Tags: Still Life

Richard Maxted has teamed up with author Jane Field-Lewis to work on this stunning new book project - The Anthology of Flowers.

Eugenio Franchi - Cameras

3.5.2016 | Tags: Still Life

The good old cameras of yesteryear, as seen in this new shot from our Eugenio Franchi

Lots more still-life to be seen over in Eugenio's gallery - here.

Richard Maxted for Fashion Targets Breast Cancer

19.4.2016 | Tags: Still Life, Charity

Richard Maxted just shot this striking campaign to help celebrate Fashion Targets Breast Cancer's 20th year. 

Smashing Guitars with Wilson Hennessy

1.4.2016 | Tags: Still Life

Wilson Hennessy went all Jimi Hendrix on us on this latest shoot for Thinkbox. 

Tropicana from Wilson Hennessy

21.3.2016 | Tags: Still Life

Here's a couple of shots from a cute campaign Wil Hennessy recently shot for Tropicana. See more of Wil's still-life on the site here. Don't forget - he shoots cars pretty well too!

Guinness - Eugenio Franchi

16.3.2016 | Tags: Drink, Still Life

Eugenio Franchi is in high spirits this St. Patricks day with this new shoot for Guinness. 

Wilson Hennessy - Hyundai i20

25.2.2016 | Tags: Still Life, Cars

Wilson Hennessy just shot a fantastic pair of ads for the Hyundai i20. 

Jars by Wilson Hennessy

18.2.2016 | Tags: Still Life

A new still-life series from Wilson Hennessy.

Gillette - Wilson Hennessy

29.1.2016 | Tags: Still Life

Wilson Hennessy splashed around the studio whilst producing this shot for Gillette's new disposable razor. 

Eugenio Franchi - Doddle.

26.11.2015 | Tags: Still Life

Eugenio Franchi was brought back down to size shooting these new ads for parcel company - Doddle.

Introducing... Richard Maxted

20.10.2015 | Tags: Still Life

We have yet another world class photographer to introduce to you this week. Please welcome Richard Maxted to the Horton-Stephens crew.

New still-life from Wilson Hennessy

7.5.2015 | Tags: Still Life

We've been showing you a lot of next-level car photography from our Wilson Hennessy of late. But let's not forget... this kid has another string to his bow, and often produces stunning still-life imagery, like this new cube shot.

McLaren Helmets from Wilson Hennessy

13.4.2015 | Tags: Still Life, Cars

Wilson Hennessy recently had the opportunity to shoot some of Formula 1's most iconic helmets for McLaren.

Including helmets from legends such as Ayrton Senna, James Hunt and even the man himself - Bruce McLaren.

Watch this space - as there may well be more helmets to come.

Gillette McClaren

18.9.2014 | Tags: Cars, Still Life

Wilson Hennessy just shot these stunning ads for Gillette with their official partner McLaren Mercedes.

Eugenio Franchi's new series

9.9.2014 | Tags: Still Life

Our Eugenio Franchi takes us down memory lane once more with this series of tapes. It's got us feeling rather nostalgic! 

Eugenio Franchi

27.6.2014 | Tags: Still Life, Drink

A beautiful new shot from our drinks photographer extraordinaire - Eugenio Franchi. Just in time for the weekend!

See more of Euge's drinks over in his drinks folio.

Eugenio Franchi's new shots

20.3.2014 | Tags: Still Life

Eugenio Franchi shows us one efficient way of getting rid of all that hoarded tat with these new shots.

Big Bugs from Jan Steinhilber for Panasonic

14.3.2014 | Tags: Still Life

You know Jan Steinhilber doesn't just photograph cars right?

Our Hamburg based friend just shot these 3 ads for Panasonic.

George Logan for Premier Inn

25.2.2014 | Tags: George Logan, Still Life

If the art director wants a bed on a beach, you darn well stick a bed in a van, and head to the coast!

John Lewis Xmas from Wilson Hennessy

14.1.2014 | Tags: Still Life

Wilson Hennessy shot these new still lifes just before Christmas for John Lewis.

Lots more of Wil's fantastic still-life here.

Wilson Hennessy for Dentyl

29.5.2013 | Tags: Still Life

 has just shot these stunning pack shots for Dentyl.

Have a look at this beautiful series.

Wilson Hennessy shows stationary is far from boring!

14.1.2013 | Tags: Still Life

So that's where all the office stationary keeps going! We should be fuming with Wilson Hennessey for nicking all our rubbers, but who could be when he makes them look this good. Click here to see more.

View his portfolio to see more Still Life and Cars.

Wilson Hennessy Test shots

1.5.2012 | Tags: behind the scenes, Still Life

We don't know where he finds the time...

In between shooting Alfa, Shell and a big campaign for Suzuki, Wil's found the time to shoot these great test shots to compliment his already stunning still life folio.

To see Wilson's online folio, click here.

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