
Articles Tagged: gif

McCafé Iced

25.10.2022 | Tags: Chelsea Bloxsome, Drink, Still Life, Food, gif

We're lovin' it... 



Ilka & Franz - Public Health England

5.2.2021 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, gif, moving image, stop frame, animation

Another set of animations from Ilka & Franz for Public Health England with M&C Saatchi. See their complete moving image offering here

Jan Steinhilber - New Work

29.10.2020 | Tags: Cars, gif

Jan Steinhilber has added a load of new work to his folio, including these new GIFs. Who doesn't love a GIF!

Ilka & Franz - Public Health England

13.8.2020 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, gif, moving image

It was lovely to be a part of a new Government initiative promoting healthier lives. Ilka & Franz completed several animations for Public Health England with M&C Saatchi, see the full piece here

Nick Dolding - Dancing in the Studio

13.8.2020 | Tags: Nick Dolding, studio, gif

Nick Dolding hasn't stood still during the pandemic! We love this new studio series.  

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