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George Logan - Iceland

Glaciers, rock climbers, the Northern lights, drones!!! Directed by George Logan and creatives Stephen and Rob, this latest film shot in Iceland, has it all!

Tags: moving image, George Logan, landscape20.4.2018

Wilson Hennessy - Twinings

Wil Hennessy just shot this set of colourful ads for Twinings.

Tags: Wilson Hennessy, Still Life19.4.2018

Additive - Cuprinol

When BBH London’s Kev and Richard wanted to “Make your garden a shade more interesting” with Cuprinol Shades, it would have been a nightmare to modelmake / photograph, so CGI by our Additive was the answer.

Tags: Additive, CGI19.4.2018

Chelsea Bloxsome - Shell Cinemagraphs

Chelsea Bloxsome has been keeping busy with these new cinemagraphs. See the set, plus more, over in her cinemagraph gallery - here.

Tags: Chelsea Bloxsome, Food, moving image, cinemagraph4.4.2018

George Logan - The Last Male Northern White Rhino

While the team here continue to mourn the death of Sudan, the last male northern white rhino on Earth, our photographer George Logan has come up with a wonderful gesture.

Tags: George Logan, Charity, animals23.3.2018

Gary Salter - APA 'Off the clock' awards

Gary Salter has 3 images selected for APA's 'off the clock' award. An award that focusses specifically on non-commissioned, personal work. 

Tags: Gary Salter, observational, awards21.3.2018

Nick Dolding shoots Martin Freeman

Nick Dolding jumped on the back of Vodafone's latest TV spot to capture this shot of Martin Freeman in action. 

Tags: Nick Dolding, Portrait, Celebrity14.3.2018

Ilka & Franz - Avon

Some new beauty work from our colourful duo Ilka & Franz, this time for Avon. 

Tags: Ilka and Franz, beauty8.3.2018

Nick Dolding - Sony Photography Awards

Nick Dolding has been shortlisted in the 2018 Sony World Photography Awards in the Open Portrait section for this recent portrait shot for PayPal. The Winners will be announced 20th March.

Tags: Nick Dolding, Portrait, awards8.3.2018

New from Marco Mori - Barclays

No escaping Marco Mori these days! Another great set of photos in press and on poster taken for Barclays.

Tags: Marco Mori, Portrait28.2.2018

Ilka & Franz - OneEyeland Awards - SILVER!

Ilka & Franz have one silver in the 2017 OneEyeland Awards with their work for Wembley Park!

Tags: Ilka and Franz, Still Life, awards16.2.2018

Wil Hennessy - Suzuki

Wilson Hennessy shoots again for Suzuki, on a billboard near you...with thanks as always to Baz and Dickie.

Tags: Wilson Hennessy, Cars16.2.2018

Marco Mori - Anthony Joshua

Marco Mori stepped into the ring to capture this new set of images of the champ - Anthony Joshua. Shot during a sparring session in the build up to his big fight last month, Marco managed to go two rounds...

Tags: Marco Mori, sports, Celebrity19.4.2018

Phil Sills - Miller

Sparks were flying on this latest shoot for Miller with Phil Sills.

Tags: Drink19.4.2018

Ilka & Franz - New Moving Image!

Some new moving image work from Ilka & Franz. This one for Berlin based magazine - KaDaWe. Lot's of moving image, including more from Ilka & Franz, over on Horton's Short'Uns.

Tags: Ilka and Franz, moving image4.4.2018

Gary Salter - Barry's Bootcamp

A new shot from Gary Salter. Barry's Bootcamp for the Observer magazine. See more over in Gary's gallery here

Tags: Gary Salter, Portrait, on location4.4.2018

Marco mori - Barclays

Marco Mori has been filling billboards nationwide with this latest campaign for Barclays.

Tags: Marco Mori, Portrait22.3.2018

Sony World Photography Awards Winner - Nick Dolding

We're excited to announce that Nick Dolding is the winner of the Sony 2018 World Photography Award for portraiture. His shot of 'Emile' was captured on the back of our award winning PayPal moving image productions.

Tags: Nick Dolding, Portrait, awards20.3.2018

International Women's Day - Marco Mori

Marco Mori just shot this powerful set of portraits for Vodafone in celebration of International Women's Day. 

Tags: Marco Mori, children, Portrait8.3.2018

Karen Thomas - Activia

Karen Thomas has just added these new ads for Activia to her ever growing folio of graphic food photography.

Tags: Karen Thomas, Food8.3.2018

Additive CGI - Porsche

This new set of Porsche work is 100% CGI!!! Crafted by the boys at Additive CGI. The car and the background were all created using photogrammetry techniques.

Tags: Additive, CGI, Cars5.3.2018

Short & Sweet - Walkers

Ben Waddleton at Short & Sweet, the short form content specialists, shoot another mini-masterpiece. Always full of character and humour the Short & Sweet showreel can be seen here.

Tags: moving image16.2.2018

Money Supermarket TVC

Gary Salter recently shot stills for Money Supermarket... not content with that alone, he shot a TV commercial too!  Always nice shooting for Mother.. stills and TVC, not a problem...

Tags: moving image, Gary Salter16.2.2018

Gary Salter's Inflatable Men

Gary Salter must have been influenced by Antonioni's "Blow-Up"... a new series of beach inflatables.

Tags: Gary Salter, observational16.2.2018

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