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Wilson Hennessy - DVLA

Wilson Hennessy hit the streets with his giant post-it pad in this new DVLA campaign. A gentle reminder to check your vehicle tax! 

Tags: Wilson Hennessy, Cars18.3.2021

Wilson Hennessy - Cinch

New work from Wilson Hennessy, shooting Rylan for the recent Cinch campaign. 

Tags: Wilson Hennessy, Cars, Celebrity18.3.2021

Nick Dolding - Vanarama

Another great set of character portraits from Nick Dolding in this new set of work for Vanarama.

Tags: Nick Dolding, Cars, Portrait17.3.2021

Gary Salter NHS

This month we were involved with something that might just help save someone’s life. M&C Saatchi have just launched more excellent work for the NHS and this latest campaign, shot by Gary Salter, highlights the need to watch out for the warning signs of Lung Cancer, something somewhat sidelined by Covid.

Tags: Gary Salter2.3.2021

Pancake Day

We never pass up the opportunity to post pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. These courtesy of Karen Thomas

Tags: Karen Thomas, Food16.2.2021

Wilson Hennessy - GQ Awards

Wilson Hennessy recently had the opportunity to shoot a lot of cool cars for the GQ Awards. Included is the iconic DeLorean, the super cool Audi Quattro Sport, but our personal favourite has got to be the Citroen Ami!

Tags: Wilson Hennessy, Cars12.2.2021

Ilka & Franz - Public Health England

Another set of animations from Ilka & Franz for Public Health England with M&C Saatchi. See their complete moving image offering here

Tags: Ilka and Franz, gif, moving image, stop frame, animation5.2.2021

Chelsea Bloxsome - Kellogg's

New work for Kellogg's from Chelsea Bloxsome. This new campaign benefitted from Chelsea's signature graphic food photography approach. See more in here gallery here

Tags: Chelsea Bloxsome, Food, graphic, campaign1.2.2021

George Logan - BBC coverage

George Logan's important project focussing on Lion conservation - "Lion: Pride Before the Fall" is getting some important coverage and endorsement on the BBC today! See the full feature here.

Tags: George Logan, Charity25.1.2021

Additive - Alpine F1

A new set of images created by our Additive CGI - the new Alpine F1 car. And yes, these cars are all 100% CGI! See more of Additive's car work - here

Tags: CGI, Cars, on location20.1.2021

Gary Salter - Christmas Windows

Gary Salter is always observing the world through his lens. We love this new series of Christmas Windows, taken during a recent trip to Chile. 

Tags: Gary Salter, observational, Christmas15.12.2020

Nick Dolding - NHS

It was great to be involved with something seriously worthwhile for the Talking Therapies campaign and to work again with Ben and Tom and the team at M&C Saatchi. Stills & Moving Image shot by Nick Dolding

Tags: moving image, Nick Dolding7.12.2020

Jack Terry - Utility Warehouse

New work from Jack Terry. Shadowing the TV commercial, documenting the self-employed for Utility Warehouse.

Tags: Jack Terry, back of tv18.3.2021

Marco Mori - British Fashion Council

Marco Mori recently teamed up with Vanish and the British Fashion Council to put together a fashion shoot called ‘Rewear Edit’ only using discarded clothing - raising awareness of the 350,000 tonnes of clothing that go to landfill in the U.K. each year.

Tags: Marco Mori, Portrait, Charity, fashion17.3.2021

James Bowden - New Finisterre

The last thing you want to see in the middle of a national lockdown.... shots of travel and the great outdoors! But what lovely shots they are. Shot by our James Bowden for outdoors brand Finisterre. 

Tags: James Bowden, Lifestyle, Travel4.3.2021

Chelsea Bloxsome - Source to Sauce

Source to Sauce, a new series from Chelsea Bloxsome in collaboration with food stylist Liam Baker.

Tags: Chelsea Bloxsome, Food, animation18.2.2021

Ilka & Franz - Biszko

Biszko joins the dynamic duo that is Ilka & Franz. Now that he deals with accounts, awards and hiding under a blanket if anything goes wrong, they will be unstoppable!

Tags: Ilka and Franz, animals15.2.2021

Karen Thomas - New M&S

A lovely new set of work from Karen Thomas for M&S Food.

Tags: Karen Thomas, Food10.2.2021

Wilson Hennessy - BT 'Connected Experiences'

Wilson Hennessy was commissioned by Wunderman Thompson to collaborate with @perceptual_art on this recent BT campaign.

Tags: Wilson Hennessy, stop frame, Still Life3.2.2021

Cockroft & Knott

Jason Knott has bolstered his moving image offering in a recent collaboration with fellow creative Paul Cockroft, creating the partnership "Cockroft & Knott". Here's their latest lifestyle reel, but head over to Horton's Short'Uns to see more, including their automotive work.

Tags: moving image26.1.2021

Marco Mori - Generali

New work from Marco Mori. This recent campaign for Generali was shot on the back of the TV shoot, something we're very familiar with now. It means very tight windows of opportunity for capturing the shots, and when those shots are going to be used as ads on poster sites, you need to get it right! There are lots of potential pitfalls, but we can guide you towards getting the best result.

Tags: Marco Mori, back of tv22.1.2021

Covid 2021 Update

Here's the latest news from the APA resulting from the Prime Minister's announcements on 4th January.  This response is echoed by the AOP and ourselves.

Tags: lockdown, Wilson Hennessy, covid5.1.2021

Jack Terry - Herman Miller

Excited to be able to share new work from Jack Terry. A new campaign shot for Herman Miller and their range of gaming chairs. Jack shot moving image alongside the stills, which you can see over on our moving image site - here

Tags: Jack Terry, Lifestyle, moving image11.12.2020

Lion: Pride Before the Fall - Book Launch

Today George Logan launches Lion: Pride Before the Fall.
What a brilliant success this project has been. Amazing media coverage and he is already down to the last 750 copies!
Please join him at at 7.00pm this evening for the online launch. He’ll be discussing the book followed by a live Q&A.

Tags: George Logan, Charity3.12.2020

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