
Articles Tagged: campaign


20.11.2024 | Tags: Chelsea Bloxsome, Food, campaign, Product,, studio


20.11.2024 | Tags: Jack Terry, children, campaign, Advert


7.10.2024 | Tags: Marco Mori, campaign, Model,, People, Shot Alongside TVC/Motion

Leeds Building Society

4.10.2024 | Tags: Jack Terry, campaign, on location, Lifestyle


5.7.2024 | Tags: Gary Salter, Charity, campaign, studio, Shot Alongside TVC/Motion

Supporting Local Charities

IKEA: Cannes Lions Award

25.6.2024 | Tags: Morten Borgestad, campaign

Head & Shoulders

1.6.2024 | Tags: Marco Mori, Celebrity, campaign, studio

Sky Business

14.5.2024 | Tags: Marco Mori, campaign, Shot Alongside TVC/Motion


22.4.2024 | Tags: Gary Salter, Portrait, campaign

The Electoral Commission

9.4.2024 | Tags: Nick Dolding, Shot Alongside TVC/Motion, campaign, Model,, location,

Samuel L. Jackson for Warburtons

2.4.2024 | Tags: Gary Salter, Celebrity, Portrait, campaign, Shot Alongside TVC/Motion

Samuel L. Jackson is the latest to be shot by our Gary Salter for Warburtons


26.2.2024 | Tags: Gary Salter, Portrait, campaign, studio


23.2.2024 | Tags: George Logan, campaign, People, Shot Alongside TVC/Motion

New George Logan campagin for Amex takes you from the daily grind to OOO in the blink of an eye.

New Warburtons Films feat. Samuel L. Jackson

9.10.2023 | Tags: moving image, Gary Salter, Celebrity, humour, Advert, campaign

Watch the full film featuring Samuel L. Jackson as Jonathan Warburton

Chelsea Bloxsome Juggles New Motherhood and Work in this fun BTS film

2.10.2023 | Tags: moving image, Gary Salter, Celebrity, humour, Advert, campaign

Meet Madri...

20.7.2023 | Tags: Marco Mori, location,, studio, campaign

Throwback Thursday

19.1.2023 | Tags: fashion, campaign, Morten Borgestad, location,



Any excuse for us to post this series by Morten Borgestad for Eric Bompard. 

The Amazon Yeti

30.11.2022 | Tags: Gary Salter, Advert, campaign, Shot Alongside TVC/Motion

Just in case you haven't seen the illusive Amazon Black Friday Yeti, here are some stills of him in his natural habitat, captured by Gary Salter. 

Amazon Black Friday

16.11.2022 | Tags: Gary Salter, tv, Product,, campaign

What a legend! For once, not our Gary Salter, but the elusive Yeti, who despite living in the wilds, is still eligible for delivery from Amazon. This is part of a fantastic campaign for Amazon themselves, with stills and broadcast TVC directed by Gary Salter, more to follow! 

Reigning Champ

14.10.2022 | Tags: outdoors, campaign


14.9.2022 | Tags: George Logan, campaign, on location

**** Update...Winning Awards!  So far, Gold at PX3 Paris, Creative Circle Bronze One and a Winner in Communications Arts (USA). 


21.6.2022 | Tags: Jack Terry, Lifestyle, Drink, Food, campaign

Eating and drinking al fresco! Jack Terry's latest for 7up. 

Pizza Express Summer

14.6.2022 | Tags: Chelsea Bloxsome, Food, campaign

More Pizza Express! This time food and drink focussed and shot by our Chelsea Bloxsome


14.6.2022 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, campaign, on location

Laid back summer vibes in this new campaign for Spendesk from Ilka & Franz

Jack Terry For PayPal

12.5.2022 | Tags: Jack Terry, observational, Lifestyle, humour, campaign

PayPal is recognised worldwide and makes life easier.  That's the same as Jack Terry who was responsible for stills and motion on this new poster campaign. We like to think we make life easier too.


1.4.2022 | Tags: Jack Terry, campaign

Jack Terry recently shot a new campaign through VCCP for Evri, the new name for courier company, Hermes.

Pizza Express

31.3.2022 | Tags: Ilka and Franz, campaign, Portrait

Expressly for Everything! We’re delighted to show this great new campaign, shot by Ilka & Franz, for our favourite Pizza makers.

NIck Dolding - NHS Covid 19

6.9.2021 | Tags: Nick Dolding, covid, campaign

New work from Nick Dolding for Covid-19 and the NHS / Government. Produced and turned around within a week, in time for 'Freedom Day' and the nationwide easing of Covid-19 restrictions. 

Chelsea Bloxsome - Kellogg's

1.2.2021 | Tags: Chelsea Bloxsome, Food, graphic, campaign

New work for Kellogg's from Chelsea Bloxsome. This new campaign benefitted from Chelsea's signature graphic food photography approach. See more in here gallery here

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