Wilson Hennessy - El Mirage
10.5.2019 | Tags: Cars, on location
Wilson Hennessy's latest project - El Mirage!
El Mirage is a dry lakebed in California, a couple hours from LA. The Southern California Timing association set up a 1.3 Mile straight track on the lakebed. And let people race. As they have done since 1937.
Most of the cars are modified originals, some of them as old as a Model T. All of the cars are designed built and maintained by enthusiasts in their home garages.
People from all over America bring their cars to race, trying to get the highest speed on the weekend. They have a 200mph club, so they’re not hanging around!
I liked the idea of shooting on a dry lakebed and I hoped for lots of dust to act as a natural smoke machine to make the cars look really cool.
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