
George Logan


23.2.2024 | Tags: George Logan, campaign, People, Shot Alongside TVC/Motion
office worker become sun worshipper in new campaign for Amex shot by George Logan represented by top London agency Horton-Stephensdental nurse becomes snorkle swimmer in new campain for Amex shot by top photographer George Logan represented by  London agency Horton Stephensarchitect become yoga practitioner in Amex campaign photographed by top George Logan represented by London agents Horton-Stephens

New George Logan campagin for Amex takes you from the daily grind to OOO in the blink of an eye.

There is nothing George Logan likes more than a problem solving shoot unless it is a problem solving shoot in South Africa. This new one for Amex is all about alignment and the transition from office to holiday.  Thanks to Daz, Tom, Woody, Owen & Callum.

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