
Nick Dolding catches the 'Mo-Bug'

6.11.2013 | Tags: Nick Dolding, Portrait

It's that time of year again. The nation joins forces, in an attempt to sprout any upper lip hair possible, for an extremely good cause. It's Movember!

This year, Gillette have joined forces with Movember to provide an extremely gentlemanly pop-up barber shop in Covent Garden's seven dials. If you're a 'Mo Bro' with a budding 'tache, you will be treated to a free shave and all manner of gentlemanly distractions.

Our very own photographer, Nick Dolding, took a trip back in time to the 1920's, to capture some fantastic moustache based imagery.

Showing us how it's done, Nick spent the day photographing this jolly old bunch of chaps. Between having a ruddy good kick-about and sipping cups of tea, these gents are generally found grooming their upper-lip hair. We hope they inspire you to do the same, in the name of a really great cause.

So get down to the seven dials pop-up, where you can see a lot of these images hanging on the walls, and start working on that 'tache. We're sure after shooting this Nick has caught the mo-bug. We hope to see him rocking a full handlebar come the end of the month!

Big thanks goes out to Julia, Andy, Steve and the rest of the team players at the agency. Also to Natasha Freeman for her excellent styling and Victoria Poland for grooming the perfect mo!


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