
Open Doors & Smooth Floors - 32LDN

20.3.2014 | Tags: moving image

As mentioned earlier on in the week, Jake Green has been busy, working alongside good friend and producer Simon Poon Tip, on a number of London based documentary shorts.

Here's the next in the instalment. An insight into the skaters who use the out-of-hours, open doors of a Stratford shopping centre, to let loose on their 4 wheels. A touching and poignant piece, shot in true Jake Green style.

The film is entitled "Open Doors & Smooth Floors", and you can see it here.

It's Nice That are launching the films throughout the week on their website. See the recent piece here.

Jake also shot a bunch of stills alongside filming (he likes to keep on his toes!), which you can see in Jake's folio.

Still more to come, so keep your eyes pealed.

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